Hybrid service – in person and on Zoom
Speaker: Jim Bear Jacobs
Jim Bear Jacobs will discuss the most significant issues confronting American Indians in Minnesota. What is being done to tackle those issues? What is the effectiveness of such actions? We will hear his suggestions as to how small congregations like ours and/or our members as individuals can help in dealing with these issues.
Born in St. Paul, Jim Bear Jacobs is a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, an American Indian tribe located in central Wisconsin. He has degrees in Pastoral Studies and Christian Theology and has served various churches as youth minister, adult Christian educator, and director of Men’s Ministries. Presently, he is Program Director for Racial Justice for the Minnesota Council of Churches. He has served as a parish associate at Church of All Nations Presbyterian Church. He is a cultural facilitator in the Twin Cities and works to raise the public’s awareness of American Indian causes, and injustices toward them.
He is founder of “Healing Minnesota Stories,” an initiative dedicated to creating events of dialogue, education, and healing, particularly within faith communities.