Archives: Services

School Boards and MAGA Takeover Efforts: How We Can Keep Democracy

Hybrid Service (In-person at Mano a Mano, or on Zoom from home)

Presenter: Chris Williams

Moderator: Abby Struck

Our presenter will give practical communications and organizing strategies for resisting the MAGA push to restrict what Minnesota’s students may read and learn in our public schools.

Chris Williams is an … read more.

No Service Today

Enjoy the Holidays with family and friends.

The Neuroscience of Spiritual Experience

A YouTube presentation by the Theosophical Society – Online (Zoom from home only. See Zoom information on the homepage.)

Presenter: Dr. Andrew Newberg

Moderator: Larry Herbison                  

Using a 21st Century perspective on the original Varieties of Religious Experience by William James, this presentation—given by one of the … read more.

Black Americans and Unitarian Universalism

Hybrid (In-person and on Zoom). Please see in person information on the homepage.

Presenter: Dr.Qiyamah Rahman            

Moderator:  Rose Dorer

Reverend Dr. Qiyamah Rahman is a Unitarian Universalist minister. She was minister at the UU Fellowship of St. Croix in the Virgin Islands from 2012 to 2018.

Today Rev. … read more.

Hinduism: It’s Significance, Prospects and Challenges in the Modern Age

Hybrid (In-person at Mano a Mano or from home on Zoom)

Speaker: Godan Nambudiripad

Moderator: John Christensen

Godan Nambudiripad will briefly introduce the history of Hinduism and explain its basic beliefs and practices. He will explore with us the challenges this religion faces with increased immigration, technology and … read more.